행사 및 세미나

3rd UW-KNU Joint Symposium on Convergence Technology in Cancer Treatment
작성자 관리자 조회수 4630

It is our great privilege to welcome you to the 3rd UW-KNU Joint Symposium on Convergence Technology in Cancer Treatment. The intention of these UW-KNU joint symposia is to exchange recent advances in biology and treatment of important diseases such cancer, and to promote interactions and collaboration between the researchers of our two universities. This symposium will include speakers from Korea, especially KNU, plus speakers from the UW Bioengineering Deaprtment and from other departments at UW, including the UW School of Medicine. It is often said that “Innovation comes at the interface between two different disciplines” and the major purpose of this UW-KNU Symposium is to stimulate such innovation in the field of cancer therapeutics. We very much hope that you will enjoy the scientific sessions at this meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Allan S. Hofffman, ScD.
Conference Co-chairman

In-San Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
Conference Co-chairman

Byung-Heon Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Secretary General

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